Holly’s Smoothie Bowls
You see, one thing I have found disappointing with commercial smoothiebowls is the lack of protein. As an active person this is something to keep an eye out for! For some people too many carbs next to nearly no protein can cause blood sugar swings and cravings. We don’t need any of that right? So […]
Selbstgemachtes Granola
Granola ist immer eine gute Idee! Man neigt dazu, ganz gerne das fertige Zeug in Geschäften zu kaufen. An sich spricht ja nicht so viel dagegen – aber wenn man überlegt zahlt man ganz schön viel für so mickrige 300g! Ich habe es bisher ganz gerne gekauft, nachdem meine selbstgemachten Versuche komplett in die Hose […]
Remember Use-up November? Well it’s use-Up daily in my Household I posted a Picture of my overloaded pantry back then -JESUS it was a lot. But I am getting there That’s how this recipe came to life! Using up stuff I have kicking about like nut meal…
Vegan Pad Thai
Pad Thai [or Phat Thai] is a traditional dish from Thailand, which was even nominated the national dish during the second world war!
Savoury Muffins/ Pikante Muffins
I’ve said this a few times- my baking skills are limited. I need a hell of a lot of motivation or prompts to think of new recipes. But when I do, I don’t stop till I’ve got it right! So you all know I teamed up with Jimmy Joy ‚s products and I’ve used their shake powder in a few recipes before (like the legendary banana bread!). This time I wanted to try and incorporate their neutral flavoured powder for savoury Muffins! If you don’t have this you can just use more flour instead, or oat flour (100g) + 25g flaxseed flour (Leinsamenmehl).